After Holiday Re-Gift Exchange
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2024 | HUNAN STAR, LA PLATA | If you thought your holiday parties were fun, this after-holiday special event was spectacular! The Annual Gift & Re-Gift Exchange is one of the most popular League events, and with 34 members and guests in attendance, this year proved to be the same!
From opening the wrapped gifts filled with bling, candles, wine, jewelry, massagers, and even cock-cuteries -- to the ruthless stealing of them from each other, or taking on the Reindeer challenge to try and win it back, there was a lot of shared laughter, great food and sisterhood for all!
Thank you to the Programs Committee for working to plan another amazing event. Special thanks to Tequila for sharing your tablecloths, chair covers and silver rhinestones to help make the room and venue feel like a SMWL very special party!