Small Grant Support...
Did you know the Southern Maryland Women's League provides many non-profit organizations with grant money to help their particular causes, events, and services?
GRANT APPLICATION: The Southern Maryland Women’s League is a dynamic group of women from all walks of life dedicated to helping each other succeed by exchanging information, services, mentoring, charitable actions, shared experiences, friendship, and motivational support. Our mission is to promote, strengthen, and support women in our community through fellowship, education, service, and mentoring programs.
SMWL Grants may be requested by any registered 501(c)3 organization. Typical requests are from $25 up to $500.
SMWL Grants may be requested by any registered 501(c)3 organization. The Board of Directors reviews grants and generally votes upon them at the next scheduled Board meeting. For additional support/partnership opportunities, please review our 2-Year Grant Project information.
Download our Grant Application Form, fill in the blanks, and submit with any necessary attachments via mail, email, or share with your SMWL Sponsor member for Board submission.
Mail: SMWL - Grant Submission
P.O. Box 2511
Waldorf, MD 20604
WE ARE SMWL. WE SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY: Over the past 18 years, the members of the Southern Maryland Women's League have come together to raise and donate over $480,000+ to support programs, scholarships, organizations, education, resources, and special events supporting women and children within our community. We thank all members, past and present, and sponsors for contributing to this success. We are honored to support our community through grant submissions and scholarships to many local and worthy causes, including (but not limited to):
Two-Year Programs Support & Special Donations
2024/25 2-Year Service Project: The Poiema Movement, Waldorf - $11,500.
2021 Special Donation: Children's Miracle Network: Sponsorship of a transport ventilator for newborn babies and infants with our community - $13,000.
2018/19 2-Year Service Project: The Center for Children, La Plata, MD - $10,000.
2017/18 2-Year Service Project: The Jude House, Newburg, MD - $14,458.57
2012/16 2-Year Service Project: Angels Watch - $77,104.62 (includes $36,000 raised from the Mini Cooper Raflle)
2014/15 2-Year Service Project: Lifestyles of MD Foundation/Safe Nights Program - $22,564.70
2010/11 2-Year Service Project: Hospice House SMWL Yellow Room - $25,000.
2009 Special Donation: Community Fund of Charles County: Major Grant/Advisory Fund - $13,820
2019 - 2024 SMALL GRANTS
9/24 Health Partners - $500.00
9/24 Alzheimer's Association - $250.00
3/24 Wayside Food Bank - $250.00
4/24 Grace Lutheran Food Bank - $1,000.00
2/24 Hospice of Chesapeake - $500.00
2/24 CSM Foundation - $500.00
12/24 LLS Student Visionaries of the Year Campaign - $500.00
8/23 Children's Hospital Foundation - $500.00
3/23 Charles County Rotary Foundations - $500.00
3/23 Grace Lutheran Sponsorship - $800.00
2/23 Alzheimer's Association - $500.00
5/23 LifeStyles of Maryland - $500.00
7/23 CSM Donna Scholarship - $500.00
7/23 CSM Foundation - $1,500.00
10/23 Bears of Love - $500.00
11/22 CSM Foundation - $1,500.00
9/22 Alzheimer's Association - $500.00
8/22 Alzheimer's Association (Donation Memorial) - $100.00
7/22 Bears of Love - $500.00
8/22 Sip and Swing Sponsorship - $1,500.00
8/21 Poiema Movement - $500.00
8/21 Catherine Foundation - $500.00
5/21 Center for Children (Donation Memorial) - $100.00
11/21 CSM SMWL Scholarship - $3,000.00
10/21 St Judes Children's Research Hospital - $100.00
12/21 Sa Mercy Fund (Donation Memorial) - $100.00
12/21 City of Raleigh (Donation Memorial) - $100.00
6/23 Port Tobacco Players - $500.00
1/21 Hawk Feeder Lead Student Life - $500.00
10/20 Charles County Torch Run for Special Olympics - $250.00
12/15 Maryland Crime Victims Resource Center - $1,000.00
12/20 KidsSTREAM - $1,000.00
12/20 Charles County Literacy Council - $1,000.00
12/20 The Arnold House - $1,000.00
12/20 Southern Maryland Carousel Group - $500.00
12/20 LifeStyles of Maryland - $1,000.00
11/20 Spring Dell - $500.00
12/20 Hospice of Chesapeake - $500.00
11/20 Families in Recovery, Inc. - $700.00
4/20 Southern Maryland Food Bank Catholic Charites - $1,000.00
4/20 Center for Abused Persons - $100.00
4/20 CSM (Donation Member/Family Memorial) - $100
4/20 CSM (Donation Member/Family Memorial) - $100
12/19 Jude House - $1,000
1/19 Grace Lutheran - $1,000
12/19 The Children's Miracle Network - $1,000
12/19 Birthright Israel Foundation (Donation Member Memorial) - $100
2018 Grants & Scholarships
The Alzheimers Foundation: Sponsor Natalie McKinney - $500
The Donna Ellis Scholarship: Sponsors Brenda Lowe and Terry Davis - $500
The Poeima Movement - $500
The Catherine Foundation - $500
Scholarships: College of Southern Maryland (CSM) - $3,000
Grant: Big Hair Ball/Lifestyles: Sponsor: Anne Rees - $2,500
Grant: Special Olympics: Sponsor Suzanne Wible - $250
Sponsor: Candice Kelly - Grant: Families in Recovery/Charles County Drug Court - $700,
Grant: Hospice of Charles County: Sponsor Rona Kelley - $500
Grant: Spring Dell: Sponsor Rona Kelley - $500
Grant: Port Tobacco Players: Sponsor Rona Kelley - $500
Grant: The Arnold House: Sponsor Diana Rucci - $1,000
Grant: KidSTREAM, Inc.: Sponsor Darlene Breck - $1,000
Grant: Charles County Literacy Council: Sponsor Ruth Mudd - $1,000
Grant: Southern Maryland Carousel Group: Sponsor Lisa Case - $500
Grant: Lifestyles, Inc.: Sponsor Ann Rees - $1,000
Grant: Maryland Crime Victims Resource Ctr. Sponsor Laura Forbes - $1,000
Grant: Wayside Food Bank: Sponsor Ruth Mudd - $500
League Funds: Boxed Lunches for Community Homeless: Sponsor Teresa Klopfer - $500
2007- 2017 Grants & Scholarships
American Heart Association: Donation in Memory/Honor of Bonnie Grier's Father, Carl Baldus - $50.00
Ask Childhood Cancer Foundation: Donation directed by SMWL WOI winner - $200.00
Bethany International College: Small Grant for young Missionary Student - Evelyn Annika Young - $500.00, $500.00
Cancercare Grant: $500.00
Catherine Foundation: Small Grant to help with Education Literature for Single Mothers - $500.00
Catherine Foundation: Runner-up in the 2-year grant project (pd by Comm. Found.) - $500.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: *Security System - Replacement at Shelter - $16,826.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: 2nd Year Project Support - Building Improvements - Shelter - $15,703.37
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: Support of Night Watch Supervisor for Fiscal Year 2010-Shelter - $6,200.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: *Bed Frames for Shelter - $975.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: Cleaning Supplies for Shelter - $1,000.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: *Paid to Flooring Central - Replacement of Carpet at Shelter - $3,700.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: *Two new sets of Washers & Dryers for Shelter - $1,457.95
Catholic Charities/Angels Watch: *to Chesapeake Sec.-Upgrade & Replace DVR, 4 Cameras-Shelter - $6,830.84
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: *to Regency Furniture-Beds, Dressers & Armoires for Shelter - $4,747.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: Cash for Shelter Teenage Girl to attend prom - dress, shoes, etc. - $200.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: *Checkcard purchase of Top Hat Party Design - Moon Bounce for Shelter Children's Back-to-School Celebration - $250.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: Purchase of various Gift Cards to help out with Shelter Needs - $500.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: First of (4) payments to fund Part-Time Residential Counselor staff position for the shelter - $2,860.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: Second of (4) payments to fund Part-Time Residential Counselor staff position for the shelter - $2,860.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: Third of (4) payments to fund Part-Time Residential Counselor staff position for the shelter - $2,860.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: Cash for Shelter Teenage Girl to attend Homecoming - dress, shoes, hairdo, etc. - $300.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: Fourth of (4) payments to fund the Part-Time Residential Counselor staff position for the shelter - $2,860.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: First of (4) payments to fund Part-Time Residential Counselor staff position for the shelter (1/2 Paid from our Annual Distribution from the Community Foundation of So MD Donor Advised Fund) - $1,420.09
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: Second of (4) payments to fund Part-Time Residential Counselor staff position for the shelter - $2,860.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: Checkcard purchase of Kitchen Chairs at Restaurant Depot to replace chairs in the dining hall area at the shelter - $585.22
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: Third of (4) payments to fund Part-Time Residential Counselor staff position for the shelter - $2,860.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: Fourth of (4) payments to fund Part-Time Residential Counselor staff position for the shelter - $2,860.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: Donation directed by SMWL WOI winner - $200.00
Catholic Charities/Angel's Watch: Final Donation as part of our two-year grant recipient (to help with floors). - $489.46
Center for Abused Persons (CAP): *Fund Repair & Upgrade of Hotline Phone System - $3,449.75
Center for Children, Inc.: Provides funding to help with Children's Programs - $500.00
Center for Children, Inc.: Provides funding to help with Children's Programs - $302.00
Charles Co 4-H Volunteer Association: Small Grant to Support Non-Profit - $200.00
Charles Co Children's Aid Society: Christmas Connection - $250.00
Charles Co Children's Aid Society: Donation - $365.00
Charles Co Children's Aid Society: Grant - $500.00
Charles Co Children's Aid Society: Christmas Connection - $500.00
Charles Co Commission for Women: Bronze Sponsorship - $225.00
Charles Co Public Library: Mother/Daughter Book Club Program Sponsor - $500.00
Chesapeake Bay Floating Theatre: GrantBlack Box Theatre - $500.00
Chesapeake Bay Floating Theatre: Donation - $1,000.00
Children's Nat'l Medical Ctr Found: Donation of Teddy Bears for Sick Children - $500.00
Civista Health Foundation: Honor/Memory of Irene Davis - $50.00
Civista Health Foundation: Honor Roll of Women-Dora Carter (Angel's Watch) - $1,000.00
Civista Health Foundation: Sponsor Mollie Gieseman Mardi Gras Queen Mystique - $500.00
Civista Health Foundation: Queen Mystique Team - Mardi Gras Sponsor - $1,000.00
Civista Health Foundation: Contribution toward Lisa Joson to Honor Roll for Women - $100.00
Civista Health Foundation: Honor Roll of Women-So MD Women's League - $1,000.00
Civista Health Foundation: Charles Regional Tree Lighting Memorial - $100.00
Charles Regional Med Ctr (Formerly Civista): Donation to their Annual Fundraiser - $500.00
Community Foundation of So Md: Support of Philanthropy Day Luncheon - $160.00
Community Foundation of So Md: To Honor/Memorialize Bobbie Baldus - $100.00
Community Foundation of So Md: Philanthropy Day Luncheon - Entry into Philanthropy Hall of Fame - $560.00
Community Foundation of So Md: Philanthropy Day Luncheon - $200.00
CSM Foundation Charles Co. Women's Fair - $1,000.00
CSM Foundation Grant - Children's Learning Center - $500.00
CSM Foundation Annual Scholarship: Single Parent - $3,000.00
CSM Foundation Anna Mae Hess Scholarship: (Michelle Goodwin's Mom) - $100.00
CSM Foundation Annual Scholarship: Single Parent - $3,000.00
CSM Foundation Golf Tournament Sponsor: Scholarship Program- $150.00
CSM Foundation Annual Scholarship - 2012-2013 - $3,000.00
CSM Foundation Annual Scholarship to Single Parent/Disadvantaged Student: $3,000.00
CSM Foundation Annual Scholarship: 2014/2015 - $3,000.00
CSM Foundation Annual Scholarship: 2015/2016 - $3,000.00
CSM Foundation Annual Scholarship: 2016/2017 - $3,650.00
CSM Foundation, Inc. Donation directed by SMWL WOI winner-to Peter Cangeloni Scholarship - $200.00
Derby Dames Grant to their program to get women involved & off the streets - $500.00
Dream Queen Foundation Donation directed by SMWL WOI winner - $200.00
Grace Lutheran Church "Community Christmas" Grant to help provide food, clothing, and gifts to needy children in (5) Western Charles Co schools - $500.00
Grace Lutheran Church Donation directed by SMWL WOI winner - $200.00
Grace Lutheran Church Donation to their Equipment Purchase for office that they allow all non-profits to utilize - $500.00
Health Partners, Inc. Grant to their free & reduced dental care for children program - $500.00
Health Partners, Inc. Grant for Dental Program for Women & Children - $500.00
Health Partners, Inc. Grant for Dental Program for Women & Children - $200.00
Help Hope Live Jim Kleyle 4th Annual Golf Tournament - $300.00
Hope for Life Suicide Prevention Support: Small Grant - $500.00
Hospice of Charles County Memory of Lois Jelin- (Rona's Mom) - $50.00
Hospice of Charles County Preakness Event Sponsor - $500.00
Hospice of Charles County 1st Annual Pmt of 5 - Purchase Yellow Room-Hospice House - $5,000.00
Hospice of Charles County 2nd Annual Pmt of 5 - Purchase Yellow Room-Hospice House - $5,000.00
Hospice of Charles County 3rd Annual Pmt of 5 - Purchase Yellow Room-Hospice House - $5,000.00
Hospice of Charles County 4th Annual Pmt of 5 - Purchase Yellow Room-Hospice House- $5,000.00
Hospice of Charles County 5th Annual Pmt of 5 - Purchase Yellow Room-Hospice House - $5,000.00
Hospice of Charles County: Donation directed by SMWL WOI winner - $200.00
Indian Head Center for the Arts (formerly the Chesapeake Bay Floating Theatre): Support of the Arts in Underprivileged Areas - $240.00
Indian Head Center for the Arts (formerly the Chesapeake Bay Floating Theatre): Support of the Black Box Theatre and Arts in Underprivileged areas - $500.00
Jude House for Women: provides housing needs to this organization dedicated to helping women with additional behaviors to heal, learn how to survive, get back into the mainstream, and keep them separate from the men in the Jude House Program - $10,516.00
Katie Murray Scholarship Fund: Donation - $500.00
Lifestyles of MD Foundation, Inc. Grant: Safe Nights Program - $500.00
Lifestyles of MD Foundation, Inc. Project 60% of Fundraiser - Safe Nights Program - $16,465.00
Lifestyles of MD Foundation, Inc. Walk to End Homelessness - $2,500.00
Lifestyles of MD Foundation, Inc. Walk to End Homelessness - $500.00
Lifestyles of MD Foundation, Inc. *to Cabelas for 30 Cots for Safe Nights - $2,099.70
Lifestyles of Southern Maryland Sponsorship of "Walk to End Homelessness" - $500.00
Lions Camp Merrick (Thru Diana Rucci) Bath Towels Wash Cloths for Children - $362.79
Lions Camp Merrick Flooring Repair- $1,000.00
March of DimesWalk for Healthy Babies - $50 to each of 3 Teams led by one of our members: Heather Zeolla, Sue Greer, Joann Acton (Helen's Daughter) - $150.00
Melwood Fund Development In Memory of Ellen Carroll- $100.00
Mike Davis Foundation Donation - $500.00
Mike Davis Foundation Grant for "Man in the Middle" Scholarships to Special Ed & High School Football Seniors who demonstrate outstanding character & determination. - $500.00
Mike Davis Foundation Grant for "Man in the Middle" Scholarships to Special Ed & High School Football Seniors who demonstrate outstanding character & determination. - $500.00
Mike Davis Foundation Grant for "Man in the Middle" Scholarships to Special Ed & High School Football Seniors who demonstrate outstanding character & determination. - $500.00
Mike Davis Foundation Grant for "Man in the Middle" Scholarships to Special Ed & High School Football Seniors who demonstrate outstanding character & determination. - $500.00
Mike Davis Foundation Grant for "Man in the Middle" Scholarships to Special Ed & High School Football Seniors who demonstrate outstanding character & determination. - $500.00
Nat'l Assn of Mothers & Daughters Donation directed by SMWL WOI winner - $200.00
Ms. V's HomeRunner-up in the 2-year grant project (pd by Comm. Found.) - $500.00
My Sister's Keeper Layettes of Love for Needy Newborns - $500.00
New Life Wesleyan Church Grant: Living Water of Charles County Mission (Nanjemoy) - $500.00
New Life Wesleyan Church Level II Sponsorship: Stop Human Trafficking - $250.00
No Greater SacrificeGrant: Support to Military Wives - $999.00
Old Waldorf School (Friends of) Donation - $350.00
Our Place Waldorf, Inc. Soup Kitchen - Small Grant - $500.00
Our Place Waldorf, Inc. Donation directed by SMWL WOI winner - $200.00
Our Place Waldorf, Inc. Donation directed by SMWL WOI winner - $200.00
Reaching Out Now, Inc. Grant - $500.00
Real Life Wesleyan Church Sheltering Tree Women's Ministry: Christmas Needy Mom - $500.00
Real Life Wesleyan Church Sheltering Tree Women's Ministry: Myers Children Beds - $500.00
Shamrock 5K Run/Walk - Benefitting JP Home Foundation, Inc. - Leprechaun Sponsorship of Run/Walk to support JP Home - a safe haven and rebuilding organization for alcohol/drug addicts - $250.00
Sickle Cell Assoc of Nat'l Capitol Area Donation directed by SMWL WOI Winner - $200.00
Side-Out Foundation Donation: $100.00
Sisters at Heart Breast Cancer Survivors - Donation to Donor Advised Fund - $500.00
Sisters Lifting Sisters Ministries Restoration Retreat Program for Post-Abortive Women: $200.00
Sisters Lifting Sisters Ministries Restoration Retreat Program for Post-Abortive Women: $1,197.00
Sisters Lifting Sisters Ministries Restoration Retreat Program for Post-Abortive Women: $500.00
Sisters Lifting Sisters Ministries Restoration Retreat Program for Post-Abortive Women: $500.00
SLS Ministries, Inc. Restoration Retreat Program for Post-Abortive Women: $500.00
SLS Ministries, Inc. Grant to help with Rehabilitation & Mentoring through sponsoring a Tea and purchase an Inspiring Book for women at the Charles County Detention Center: $500.00
SLS Ministries, Inc. Restoration Retreat Program for Post-Abortive Women: $500.00
SLS Ministries, Inc. Restoration Retreat Program for Post-Abortive Women: $500.00
SLS Ministries, Inc. Restoration Retreat Program for Post-Abortive Women: $500.00
SLS Ministries, Inc. Help with Homeless CCSO Employee Living in Car w/Children: $499.99
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Donation directed by SMWL WOI winner - $200.00
Southern MD Food Bank Donation: $500.00
Southern MD Chapter, The Links, Inc. Donation to their fundraiser $500.00
Spring Dell Center, Inc. Grant for Movement & Wellness Program for Disabled Women: $500.00
Spring Dell Center, Inc. Grant for Movement & Wellness Program for Disabled Women: $500.00
Spring Dell Center, Inc. Grant for Movement & Wellness Program for Disabled Women: $200.00
Spring Dell Center, Inc. Donation to Celebration Goodbye Event for Hooks & Hangars: $200.00
State Street Bank (CFCC) Donor Advised Fund - Opening $10,000.00
State Street Bank (CFCC) Addition to Donor Advised Fund: $3,000.00
Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk Walk for Breast Cancer: $60.00
The Catherine Foundation Crisis Pregnancy Intervention: $500.00
Tri-County Youth Services Donation directed by SMWL WOI winner: $200.00
Wayside Food Bank, Inc. Donation: $500.00
Wayside Food Bank, Inc. Donation: $500.00
Wayside Food Bank, Inc. Donation: $500.00
WCCCA - Nanjemoy Needy Nanjemoy Family Dinners: $507.24
WCCCA - Nanjemoy Needy Adopt a Child to go to Camp Merrick: $500.00
WCCCA - Nanjemoy Needy *To Roses Dept Store-Pillows & Blankets for Children: $1,080.00
WCCCA - Nanjemoy Needy *To Roses Dept Store-Pillows & Blankets for Children: $900.00
WCCCA - Nanjemoy Needy Donation to send Children to Camp Merrick: $800.00
YWLP - Meet & Greet at Milton Somers School: $150.00
YWLP - Rachel's Challenge *Movement to End Bullying - check made directly to Rachel's: 2,200.00
Zonta Club of Charles County RAVE Walk - (Rape and Violence Eradication): $500.00
Zonta Club of Charles County RAVE Walk - (Rape and Violence Eradication ): $500.00
Zonta Club of Charles County RAVE Walk - (Rape and Violence Eradication ): $500.00
From your entire Board of Directors and Committee Chairs, we are honored to have the opportunity to serve together on your behalf - our members, our community, and the mission we serve.